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Pushing the Boundaries of Automation Beyond Robotics

Automation transcends mere robotics by integrating into every layer of the supply chain, from inventory control to customer engagement. This widespread application allows Logistics Service Providers to harness data-driven insights and predictive analytics, empowering them to make swift, informed decisions that adapt to market trends and customer demands. The result is a supply chain that is not only efficient but also responsive and intelligent, poised to meet future challenges with innovative solutions.

Navigating the Shift With Automation in Modern Logistics

Automation serves as a critical tool in modern logistics, focusing on three strategic areas:

  • Enhance Adaptability & Resilience

    Quickly adapt and maintain operations during disruptions, increasing the robustness of logistics networks.

  • Boost Operational Efficiency

    Streamline processes to reduce waste and increase productivity, maximizing resource utilization and cost-effectiveness.

  • Elevate Customer Experience

    Deliver faster and more reliably, meeting modern consumers’ expectations for efficiency and transparency in service.

By 2025, 70% of organizations will implement structured automation to deliver flexibility and efficiency, an increase from 20% of organizations in 2021.

  • Achieving Peak LSP Performance through Strategic Automation

    A comprehensive examination of automation reveals its vital role in modernizing logistics operations far beyond simple robotics. Detailed in Incisiv’s industry brief, this exploration shows the importance of advanced tools in transforming supply chains and enhancing operational capabilities. It stresses that these technological advancements are not just for immediate improvements but are crucial for adapting to future logistical demands and challenges.

    Download the Industry Brief →

Accelerate Your Automation With Blue Yonder

At Blue Yonder, we understand the need for LSPs to rapidly advance their automation capabilities across warehouses, yards and transportation. Our solutions are designed to be swiftly deployed, enhancing your route to increased revenue and helping maintain strong customer relationships. We focus on integrating automation across all channels—not just in silos—covering everything from digitalization and optimization to predictiveness and autonomy. With Blue Yonder’s automation solutions, we enable LSPs to:

  • Streamline Operations

    Blue Yonder enhances supply chain efficiency and responsiveness through advanced automation, providing a system that streamlines complex operations and boosts overall agility.

  • Improve Financial Performance

    Blue Yonder elevates profitability by implementing automated, optimized logistics solutions that drive cost- effectiveness and enhance operational outcomes.

  • Build Competitive Advantage

    Blue Yonder enables companies to gain a market edge with innovative automation solutions that transform traditional logistics into dynamic, competitive operations.

Watch Our Short Video To See How It Works →

How Can You Effectively Implement Automation Software Across Your Supply Chain?

We’ve established why accelerated automation is crucial, but how is it effectively implemented? Read our Automation Guide to see actionable insights stage by stage, enabling you to streamline processes according to your organization’s growth and automation strategy.

Insights for VF

Please explore the resources and insights below that we’ve selected for the VF team.

  • COVID-Map.png


    Mitigating the Impact of the Coronavirus on Supply Chains with Machine Learning and Real-Time Visibility

    Learn more
  • Demo

    Live demonstration of Luminate Control Tower, with its built-in crisis control center to help companies to see, plan and act on real-time information

    Learn more
  • Platform

    Meet Luminate™ Platform - the digital fulfillment platform built for now as the industry’s first platform that lets customers and developers build applications right on top of ours

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  • Learn more

Penske Automates Supply Chain Operations With Blue Yonder Solutions for Unmatched Efficiency

Penske Logistics, a leading provider of supply chain and logistics solutions, successfully implemented Blue Yonder’s Yard Management Solution to significantly enhance yard visibility and operational efficiency. By leveraging Blue Yonder’s Yard Management Solution, which uses advanced camera/computer vision technology and machine learning, Penske could automatically check-in and identify trailers, track their locations, and monitor trailers within the yard. This allowed Penske to streamline their gate check processes, providing precise time-stamp details that assist with mitigating detention fees and improving overall yard throughout.

The integration of Blue Yonder’s Yard Management solution with Penske’s existing Warehouse Management System automated and centralized numerous tasks, enabling labor resources to be redirected to more productive activities. This collaboration has not only reduced operational costs but also enhanced service quality for Penske’s customers. With the success of the initial implementation at one site, Penske plans to expand this solution to additional locations in 2024, further solidifying their commitment to operational excellence and customer satisfaction through innovative technology.

At Blue Yonder, we continue to lead in logistics automation with our comprehensive suite of solutions that not only simplifies operations but also drives substantial business improvements, such as cost reduction and better resource efficiency. These advancements are supported by AI-enhanced management, ensuring LSPs like Penske are well- equipped for current needs and future challenges.
Read more about the Penske story here.

Powering the Worlds Most Powerful Companies

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We Can Help With Your Automation Strategy

Interested in advancing your logistics automations? Fill in the form below if you’d like to speak with one of our team about how we can help you to transform your supply chain operations through automation.


Thanks for your interest, a Blue Yonder team member will be in touch soon!